Our Vision: A Christ-centred family evangelising with Love and Humility
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Sacrament of Baptism for Infant and Child at the Church of St Teresa
Baptisms are usually held on the last Sunday of the month, during the 12 PM Mass (excluding Easter, Feast Day and Christmas).
Currently, Infant Baptisms are by appointment only. Please contact the office to make arrangements.
Time: 12 PM
Venue: Main Church
A preparation session with the parents and godparents will be held the Sunday before the baptism at 2 PM.
“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church #1213
All required documents are to be submitted 1 month before the scheduled baptism date.
Baptism will be scheduled to the next scheduled date, for late submissions.
Please download and read carefully the infant baptism guidelines and form
The required documents to be submitted are as follows:
Infant Baptism Application Form & Guidelines
Birth Certificate of infant to be baptised
Catholic Marriage Certificate of the parents
Civil Marriage Certificate of the parents
Godparent(s)’ Baptism Certificates
Godparent(s)’ Catholic Confirmation Certificates
Do note that Godparent(s) have to be baptised Catholics and have received the Sacrament of the Eucharist & Confirmation.
For other details pertaining to being a Godparent, please refer to the document above.
Please email to: cst.secretariat@catholic.org.sg or call 6271 1184 to make the necessary arrangements
Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation for Adults at the Church of St Teresa
RCIA sessions are held on Thursdays from 7.45 PM to 9.45 PM, in-person at the Church of St Teresa.
Please pick up a registration form at the Church entrances/exits or from the church office in front of the lift. Completed forms may be submitted directly to the church office or via email to: rcia@stteresa.sg.
For enquires please email to: rcia@stteresa.sg
RCIA Program
Announcements will be made in the Cathedral bulletin, website, and other media channels for people to sign up for RCIA and to meet the team facilitating it.
This beginning period lasts about 3 months. It will conclude with the celebration of the Rite of Acceptance, to initiate those who want to continue the journey into the order of catechumens.
This period allows for catechumens to deepen their knowledge of God, and grow in fellowship with other participants. They will also attend part of the Sunday evening Mass and gather for Gospel sharing after the Liturgy of the Word.
There is typically a weekend retreat and Day of Recollection for reflection and prayers. This period concludes with the celebration of the Rite of Election, which happens on the first Sunday of Lent, sometime before Easter.
Participants go through a period of discernment, spiritual direction, praying and preparation for Easter. They will then receive Christ through Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion during the Easter vigil.
After Easter, as “new” Catholics, they will attend additional sessions to deepen their faith, and build Small Christian Communities (SCC). These sessions help to also deepen their bonding with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and to understand what it means to be a disciple of Christ and of the mission to serve God and the Church. Soon after Easter, there would be a pilgrimage to Malacca in Malaysia for spiritual enrichment and fellowship to build the community.
The RCIA journey wraps up on Pentecost Sunday. To live a life of faith is a lifelong mission, so after this, the “new” Catholics are encouraged to grow in faith by continually receiving Holy Communion and living out the teaching of Jesus.